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Dr. Lauren Atkins

Lauren first became passionate about veterinary medicine in 1997 while working in an animal shelter in Charleston, SC while in college as an undergrad. Upon gradation from The University of Georgia's College of Veterinary Medicine in 2008, she moved to Massachusetts to work as a shelter veterinarian at the MSPCA in Springfield.  Later she worked at The Thomas J. O'Connor Animal Control and Adoption Center and then as a relief veterinarian.   

Lauren's hobbies include fostering kittens, walking & hiking, salsa dancing and traveling.  

Lauren and her husband share their home with 4 cats and 3 small dogs. 

Parker, Shay & Mattie are in all in puppy heaven (eating carrots and chasing tennis balls). 


Dr. Lauren completed the Companion Animal Euthanasia Training Academy (CAETA) Peaceful Euthanasia Master Program and is a Certified Peaceful Euthanasia Veterinarian (CPEV). 

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